Etusivun linkki emergency care

Etusivun linkki health stations

Etusivun linkki dental clinics

etusivun linkki childbirth

Etusivun linkki social welfare office

Contact us

Contact us

Medical Helpline 116 117

Childbirth tel. +358 13 330 1122

Psychiatric emergency and crises tel. +358 13 330 2132

Social emergency services tel. +358 13 330 9002

Switchboard tel. +358 13 3300

Important information

Information, support and instructions

Information, support and instructions

Medical Helpline

Medical Helpline 116 117

Call the Medical Helpline before you consider going to the emergency clinic. Medical Helpline 116 117 is a service giving advice and guidance in matters regarding healthcare and social services. The service is open 24/7.

If the call cannot be answered at once, a call-back service is in use.

In an emergency, call the emergency number 112 instead.

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