Kuvakaruselli jobs


Customer feedback

The feedback we receive is valuable to us. We use your feedback for quality control and improving our operations. 

You can give feedback on the care or service you or your loved one has received or on other matters related to our operations. You can give feedback anonymously. If you would like to be contacted about your feedback, please leave your contact information on the feedback form. 

We process all feedback in confidence and make an effort to respond as soon as possible. During holidays, the processing of feedback and responses may be delayed.

Please note that social security numbers or other confidential information should not be included in the feedback.

The feedback form cannot be used for cancelling appointments.

We have renewed online service for customer feedback. Feedback forms are at the moment only in Finnish,but we will update English versions as soon as possible. You can leave your feedback in English. Select the service concerning your feedback from below.

  • Give feedback on healthcare services,
    such as health stations, emergency care, oral and dental care, specialized medical care and hospital services, mental health and substance abuse services, child health and maternity clinics.
  • Give feedback on social services,
    such as disability services, working-age services, social services for children and families, school curators and psychologists, child welfare services, shelter, social emergency and crisis services.
  • Give feedback on elderly care services,
    such as housing services and social services for the elderly, domicialiary care.
  • Give feedback on rescue services,
    such as firefighting and rescue services, first aid.
  • Give feedback on environmental health services,
    such as veterinary care and health inspectors.
  • Give general feedback,
    such as customer fees, customer and patient documents, data protection, cleaning and laundry services, food services, yard areas, access points, traffic arrangements, passenger transport (KELA taxi, taxi), websites and communications, patient ombudsman, social welfare ombudsman, electronic services, other/general feedback.

Other ways to collect feedback

We may ask for feedback after your visit or a period of treatment with a text message (in Finnish). A text message is sent only to customers who have given permission for text messages to be sent to them. Answering the text message is free of charge and voluntary. We will ask for feedback between 9 am and 8.15 pm. We do not send a text message feedback survey to customers aged 10 to 17. Text message feedback surveys for children under the age of 10 is sent to the guardian's number.

The survey can be answered using a smartphone. The survey cannot be completed using a traditional mobile phone, but you can submit feedback through the feedback channel above if you wish.

In addition to the above feedback channels, we use also other ways of collecting feedback. We may, for example, ask for customer feedback using a smartphone or tablet in connection with a service event.