Coronasivun kuvakaruselli

Instructions when arriving from Ukraine

Інструкції для прибуваючих осіб з України

Инструкции для прибывающих из Украины

Oh­jei­ta Uk­rai­nas­ta saa­pu­vil­le

If you have fled Ukraine due to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, you have different options to arrange your stay in Finland. You can find more information for example on web pages of Finnish Immigration Services:

You have a right to urgent medical care in public health services as well as indispensable subsistence.

If you have sought asylum or temporary protection, you will be provided with shelter and reception services through a reception centre. Through the reception centre, you will receive social and health care services, a reception allowance, support services as well as guidance and advice. Contact the reception centre:

  • Joensuu: reception centre of Kotokunta Oy, tel.  +358 50 535 2539, address: Torikatu 36, 80100 Joensuu.
  • Lieksa: reception centre of Kotokunta Oy, tel.  +358 50 528 7039, address: Energiatie 2, 81700 Lieksa.
  • Liperi: reception centre of Kotokunta Oy, tel.  +358 44 901 1651, address: Silmutie 24A, 83430 Käsämä.

The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) is an authority that grants the basic social assistance. You can find more information on the webpages of Kela:

Siun sote is a joint municipal authority that provides public social and health services in North Karelia.

Social services

  • Social welfare offices help in urgent crisis situations. Offices provide advice and guidance on social services and social security benefits as well as guidance to other social services such as services for families and children.
    Contact information and office hours:
    In the evenings and weekends call social emergency and crisis services, tel. +358 13 330 9002
  • Telephone helpline for the services for people with disabilities, tel. +358 13 330 5552 Mon–Fri 8.00–11.00 and 12.00–15.00. More information:

Healthcare services

  • Call always before arriving.
  • Local health stations provide medical help. Contact information and opening hours for making an appointment:
  • In urgent matters, call 116 117, the Medical Helpline for instructions. When the health stations are closed, help is provided at the emergency clinic at the North Karelia Central Hospital in Joensuu.
  • For urgent help with mental health problems, contact the intensified psychiatric open care for adult psychiatry tel. +358 13 330 2132 Mon–Fri 8:00–21:00, weekends and public holidays 13:00–15:0
  • In life-threatening situations, call 112. If you are unable to make a call, send a text message to the Emergency Response Centre in the North Karelia region, tel. +358 40 751 7816.

Corona and coronavirus vaccinations

  • Local information about coronavirus situation and instructions:
  • If you are not vaccinated against the coronavirus, you can book an appointment for the coronavirus vaccine by calling the call-back service at +358 13 330 2705. You will be called back within one week of submitting the call-back request. Make a call-back request at any time of the day. 


Help and assistance from voluntary organisations

Different voluntary organisations offer support and assistance that is free of charge.

North Karelia Crisis Center

Trained professionals provide crisis assistance and support in order to prevent mental health problems. The Crisis Center operates by appointment. Time can be booked on Mon-Fri 10:00-16:00 tel. 013 316 244. Meetings are free of charge and can be arranged face-to-face, by phone or by Teams-video-call. More information:

National Crisis Helpline

Crisis Helpline offers mental health support and allows to discuss with a crisis worker or a trained volunteer confidentially tel. 09 2525 0113. More information and working hours: