Invoicing addresses
Kuvakaruselli jobs
Invoicing addresses
We primarily accept e-invoices. The mailbox address is for paper invoices only. The mailbox address belongs to Ropo Capital Oy, so please do not deliver e.g. patient documents to the mailbox address.
We use an electronic invoice recycling system. Attach the following mandatory references to the invoice to enable automatic processing of the invoices. Reference data in the invoicing program and in Finvoice 3.0 format.
- Unit Data (Cost Centre) / your reference: <BuyerReferenceIdentifier>
- Agreement number / agreement: <AgreementIdentifier>
if you are not a contract supplier, use the unit information above. - Order number or commitment/order number of the order or buyer: <OrderIdentifier>
Wellbeing services county of North Karelia
Business ID: 3221317-4
Broker ID - Ropo Capital: 003714377140
Family and social services
- Services for people with disabilities 003732213174101
- Services for families with children and child welfare 003732213174102
- Services for people of working age 003732213174103
Elderly care services
- Home care 003732213174201
- Sheltered housing with 24-hour assistance and communal housing 003732213174202
Health care and hospital services
- Central hospital services 003732213174301
- Health stations and oral healthcare 003732213174302
- Rehabilitation, mental health and services for substance abusers 003732213174303
Administration and support services
- Support services and facility services 003732213174971
- Administration 003732213174991
- Warehouse 003732213174922
Rescue services and environmental health care 003732213174113
Paper invoices
Delivery address for paper invoices has changed on 1.3.2024. The new address is
Pohjois-Karjalan hyvinvointialue
003732213174xxx (Change xxx with the last three numbers of a unit specific OVT-identifier. These are listed above.)
PL 8464
Email invoices
You can also send invoices via email:
The requirements for the invoices via email:
- Header information must have text “LASKU” and post office number in Finnish or English as follows: LASKU, PL 8464 or INVOICE, P.O. Box 8464
- The invoice attached to email must be in PDF-format.
- Only one attachment can be included into one invoice.
- All of the pages of one invoice must be in the same attachment.
- One invoice can not be split into multiple attachments.
- Text section of email will not be noticed while invoice is being processed.
Please notice that if You do not send the invoices as required, they will not be processed through our
electronic processing system.
The email address above is related only to the invoices and the payment reminders that are pointed to us.
Contact information
Inquiries concerning invoicing addresses:
Inquiries concerning purchase invoices:
If you do not have a system for producing e-invoices, you can use, for example, the invoice transmission service by Posti: Transmission of invoices electronically and by letter in paper form - For businesses (
invoicing addresses - contact information
Contact information
Inquiries concerning invoicing addresses: talous(at)
Inquiries concerning purchase invoices: siunsote.ostolaskut(at)
If you do not have a system for producing e-invoices, you can use, for example, the invoice transmission service by Posti.