Kuvakaruselli disability services

Services for people with disabilities and people with intellectual disabilities

Services for people with disabilities and people with intellectual disabilities

Services for people with disabilities aim at promoting the prerequisites that allow persons with disabilities to live and interact with others as equal members of society, and to prevent and remove obstacles and disadvantages caused by disability.  

Services and support measures referred to in the Disability Services Act are organised when a person with a disability cannot receive adequate and suitable services or benefits under other legislation.

Services for people with disabilities include  

  • housing services
  • transport services
  • personal assistance.

A personal assessment of the need for services or a personal service plan is prepared for a person with disabilities in order to determine the services and support measures they need.

Services for people with intellectual disabilities include

  • housing services
  • work and day activities
  • expert services for special groups.

Contact information

Honkalampi centre

The Honkalampi centre is a multiprofessional centre of expertise that produces social and disability services.

In addition to expert services, the centre has about 85 places for housing services and inpatient care as well as family care, day activities and comprehensive school.

The Honkalampi centre provides services to persons of all ages whose development or cognitive functions have been prevented or disrupted due to a congenital or developmental illness or disability and who cannot obtain the services they need under other legislation. In addition, the region has preventive services for child welfare, adult social work, family and social services and a mental health and substance abuse care unit.

Available languages: Finnish, English, Swedish.

Disability services

Visiting information

  • Street addresses

Contact information disability services

Contact information

Telephone helpline for the services for people with disabilities

Tel. +358 13 330 5552

Mon–Fri 8.00–11.00 and 12.00–15.00

Links disability services