Kuvakaruselli jobs

Decision-making and administration

The tasks and responsibilities of the various institutions and senior office holders of Siun sote are based on the Act on Wellbeing Services Counties and the Administrative Regulations of the North Karelia Wellbeing Services Region.


Regional Council

The highest decision-making power of the wellbeing services county lies with the regional council. The members of the regional council are directly elected every four years. The regional council is responsible for the wellbeing services county's operations and finances.

Regional government and divisions

The Regional Council elects a regional government for its term of office. The task of the regional government is to lead the activities, administration and finances of the wellbeing services county, to ensure the implementation of ownership policy and to assume responsibility for the implementation of the budget. The regional government governs the human resources, individual affairs and environmental health services divisions.

Committees and other institutions

The Regional Council also elects the wellbeing services county committees for its term of office. The committees are the Audit Committee, the Regional Election Committee, the Committee on Welfare and Health Promotion, the Committee for the Future, and the Committee for Safety and Preparedness.

In addition to the committees, the North Karelia wellbeing services county also has so-called advocacy bodies that ensure that the residents of the county are involved and have opportunities to influence the county's activities. The Regional Council elects the Committee on Participation for its term, as well as the Councils on Youth, Elderly Citizens and Disability and the Council for Child and Family Affairs operating in the wellbeing services county.


Under the responsibility of the regional government, the director of the wellbeing services county is responsible for the operative management of our wellbeing services county.

Our operations are organised in seven service areas:

  • health care and hospital services
  • elderly care services
  • family and social services
  • environmental health services
  • rescue department
  • administrative services
  • group services

The steering group supports the CEO of the wellbeing services county in the strategic management of the administration, finances and other activities of Siun sote.

Wellbeing services county group

Siun sote and its controlled subsidiaries together form the North Karelia wellbeing services county group.


  • Siun Työterveys Oy
  • Polkka – Pohjois-Karjalan tukipalvelut Oy
  • Tikkamäen Palvelut Oy
  • Siun säätiö sr
  • Kiinteistö Oy Tikkamäen Vuokratalot
  • Kiinteistö Oy Paiholankoski