Kuvakaruselli puhelinpalvelun hoitaja

Health stations, doctors’ or nurses’ appointments and emergency services

See contact information at the bottom of the page

Non-urgent care at a health station

You can visit any Siun sote health station that has free appointments.

Nurses and doctors at the health stations will examine you and treat your symptoms and illnesses.

Nurses’ appointments include health advice, wound care, suture removal and vaccinations. If necessary, the nurse will refer you to a doctors’ appointment.

The service is subject to a fee.

Making an appointment at a health station

Make an appointment with a doctor or nurse by calling the appointment number of the health station.

A nurse will assess your situation on the phone, consult a doctor if necessary, and refer you to a doctor, nurse, public health nurse or physiotherapist. You can also receive home care instructions.

Remember to cancel your appointment if you cannot attend your scheduled appointment. Booked appointments are cancelled by phone.

Urgent care

Our health stations and the Central Hospital emergency clinic will help you when you fall ill suddenly or have an accident.

We treat patients in order of urgency.

We treat emergency patients 24 hours a day. On weekdays, you should go to the urgent care of a health station; otherwise you should go to the emergency clinic at the North Karelia Central Hospital.

What to do

  • In life-threatening situations, call 112. If you are unable to make a call, send a text message to the Emergency Response Centre in the North Karelia region, tel. +358 40 751 7816.

  • If you need urgent care, call the health station using the service number, or call the Medical Helpline 116 117. You will talk to a nurse who assesses your need for emergency care based on your injury or symptom. The nurse will give you care instructions and tell you what to do.

Arriving at the emergency clinic

The emergency clinic is located at the North Karelia Central Hospital, street level at building J2, Tikkamäentie 16, 80210 Joensuu. People arriving for labour will also check in at the emergency clinic where they will be guided to the delivery room. Follow the signs from Tikkamäentie.

We ask that paediatric patients and other people who require escorting, such as people with memory diseases and disabilities, only have one person escorting them.

The emergency clinic is located at the North Karelia Central Hospital, street level at building J2, Tikkamäentie 16, 80210 Joensuu. Follow the signs from Tikkamäentie.



Heinävesi (2)
Ilomantsi (2)
Joensuu (9)
Juuka (2)
Kitee (3)
Kontiolahti (3)
Lieksa (2)
Liperi (2)
Nurmes (3)
  • Palvelunumero Nurmeksen terveysasema
  • Päivystys ja ajanvaraus, neuvonta, laboratorio-, röntgen- ja Marevan-hoidon vastausten tiedustelut
    • Maanantai—Perjantai 8.00—21.00
    • Lauantai—Sunnuntai 8.00—18.00
Outokumpu (2)
Polvijärvi (2)
Rääkkylä (2)
Tohmajärvi (2)


Heinävesi (1)
Ilomantsi (1)
Joensuu (8)
  • Pohjois-Karjalan keskussairaala
  • Tikkamäentie 16
  • 80210 Joensuu

  • Yhteispäivystykseen voi saapua ainoastaan J2-rakennuksessa sijaitsevan päivystyksen pääoven kautta. Keskussairaalan päärakennuksesta ei ole kauttakulkua yhteispäivystykseen. Tikkamäentieltä sairaala-alueelle käännyttäessä heti ensimmäisessä risteyksessä on opastekyltti, joka ohjaa päivystykseen. Päivystysosasto 1B 1. krs B-siipi Puskuriosasto 2C 2. krs C-siipi Sisäänkäynti osastoille pääoven kautta.

  • Päivystyspalvelun verkkosivu
  • Päivystyksen esittelyvideo (YouTube)
Juuka (1)
Kitee (2)
Kontiolahti (2)
Lieksa (1)
Liperi (1)
Nurmes (2)
Outokumpu (1)
Polvijärvi (1)
Rääkkylä (1)
Tohmajärvi (1)

More information health stations and emergency services

Emergencyhub.fi link

Information, support and instructions

Emergencyhub.fi link and logo.

More information links health stations

More information

My Kanta Pages

My Kanta Pages

As a citizen, you can browse your own medical records and prescriptions and order repeat prescriptions in the online service
My Kanta Pages logo and link https://www.kanta.fi/en/citizens