Kuvakaruselli cow and veterinarian

Veterinary care

The municipal veterinarian provides basic veterinary care on weekdays during office hours and urgent veterinary care 24 hours a day.

Veterinary emergency clinic outside office hours

  • Ilomantsi, Joensuu, Kontiolahti: tel. 0100 84500
  • Heinävesi,Liperi, Outokumpu, Polvijärvi: tel. 0100 84501
  • Juuka, Lieksa, Nurmes: tel. 0100 84503
  • Kitee, Rääkkylä, Tohmajärvi: tel. 0100 84502

The veterinary emergency clinic is only intended for patients in need of urgent veterinary care whose treatment cannot wait for office hours.

If your call goes to voicemail, leave a message. The vet will call you back as soon as possible. If the vet does not contact you within 30 minutes, please call again.


The call fee is €1.54/minute + local network charge / mobile network charge on weekdays 16–22 and on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 8–22. At night between 22.00 and 8.00 the call fee is €3.04/minute + local network charge/mobile network charge.

The service is subject to a fee. Our veterinarians’ rates comply with the national guidelines for municipal veterinarians. In addition, there is a clinic fee of €7,09–28,34/visit (incl. 25,5% VAT).

Veterinary care during office hours by appointment

You can make appointments on weekdays between 8.00 and 9.00. In urgent patient cases, you can leave a message in the answering machine after hours.

If the telephone line is busy and your matter is urgent, please leave a call back request in the answering machine and we will call you back as soon as possible. The telephone line is busiest on Monday and Tuesday mornings. In non-urgent matters, you can avoid the rush by calling towards the end of the week.

Contact information

Rääkkylä health station

Your own health station will provide you with primary health care services. You can make a doctor's or nurse's appointment and receive other services at the health station. The health station is your primary place of receiving care, and you can be referred to further examinations and treatments.

If you need urgent care, for example due to an accident, you can also go directly to the emergency clinic at the Central Hospital. However, we recommend that you call your health station first. Health stations are closed in the evenings and on weekends. At these times, sudden illnesses and accidents are treated at the emergency clinic at the Central Hospital.

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Visiting information

  • Street addresses
  • Service hours
    • Monday—Thursday 8.00—16.00
    • Friday 8.00—13.00