Social welfare and patient ombudsman
Kuvakaruselli puhelinpalvelun hoitaja
social welfare and patient ombudsman
Social welfare ombudsman
The social welfare ombudsman advises clients on matters related to social welfare and early childhood education and care and, if necessary, provides help with the complaints and other legal redresses available to clients related to the service and personal treatment in social welfare and early childhood education and care.
The social welfare ombudsman does not handle matters related to Kela benefits, insurance, job-seeking or housing.
The services provided by the social welfare ombudsman are free of charge.
Patient ombudsman
When necessary, the patient ombudsman provides advice and assistance for making a complaint or submitting a notice of patient injury, notice of pharmaceutical injury, or compensation claim.
The services provided by the patient ombudsman are free of charge. Messages link
Contact information ombudsman
Contact information
Social welfare and patient ombudsmen
Mon 8:30–11:30
Tue–Thu 9–11
Torikatu 18 A, 3rd floor
FI-80100 Joensuu
Hanna Mäkijärvi
Tel. +358 13 330 8265
Kati Saurula
Tel. +358 13 330 8268
We do not process client and patient data via unsecured email.